Monday, July 15, 2013

Cory and Lea

It feels personal about Cory's death.

Saya bukan peminat Glee, pun bukan peminat Cory, tapi saya kadang kadang tertengok juga tv show tu, so recognize la jugak muka Cory dan Lea ni.

So bila saya tertengok dalam berita yang Cory ditemui mati, saya agak terkejut la juga. Saya pun tengok tengoklah response orang ramai dengan berita ni.

It saddens me. The story about Lea and Cory, the feelings of his fans and family, they are just... heartbreaking.

Maybe it's true, "tell them you love them today, because they can disappear tomorrow."

p/s: I feel like meeting again...

Cory and Lea. Be strong, Lea.

Be strong, me.